Detox EAR Acupuncture
A non-verbal treatment that meets people where they are, to activate the self-healing powers from within.
One of the most recognized methods in detox acupuncture is the NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) protocol.
This technique is designed to help individuals struggling with addiction (e.g. cigarettes), trauma, and behavioral health issues. It aids in reducing cravings, alleviating withdrawal symptoms, and promoting overall mental and emotional well-being.
It is also very effective for stress reduction, enhancing sleep quality, and improving mood.
bamboo massage
The firm yet gentle pressure exerted by the bamboo massage helps to improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and promote lymphatic drainage, leaving you feeling revitalized and restored.
This innovative therapy is particularly beneficial for those who suffer from muscle stiffness, chronic pain conditions, or simply want to unwind and de-stress.
The use of kneading, rolling, pushing techniques have a beneficial effect on blood and lymph circulation and thus improves drainage and tissue regeneration. Bamboo massage reduces cellulite, perfectly shapes the figure, in particular the buttocks, thighs, and waist.
shiatsu Facial massage
The face is a mirror that reflects the physical and emotional interior and tells the story of our life.
Many points on the face are connected to other parts of the body. As Shiatsu works the meridians and energy channels, so it will make the whole body harmonious.
This ancient Japanese method is defined by exerting gentle pressure and manipulation of the skin and superficial muscles, using only fingers and palms.
This technique improves blood circulation and increases oxygen to the skin on scalp, face and neck, giving it a youthful, radiant, healthy aspect.
Through stimulation it is possible to bring the body
into a new equilibrium.
Reiki Energy Healing
Reiki is a complementary treatment that seeks to promote wellness by creating balance in a person’s life force or energy field.
It is a Japanese healing art based on the principle that everything in the universe consists of energy that flows around and through living beings.
Disruption to this energy may cause health problems and Reiki seeks to restore the balance of the energy flow to a person by sending the energy flow received by the Universe.
Reiki´s main benefit is Stress Reduction, but it also helps with physical and emotional problems, including insomnia, stress, depression, anxiety, and pain.
Facial Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Get in touch
Sanzaru Center Holistic
Villa Attaoufik
Quartier California, tanger
WHATSAPP : +49 (0) 171 480 94 78
PHONE: +212 (0) 604 90 13 67
price upon request